Now that i promised my first post, here it is. In our first year of architecture, there is this useless subject (well, its taught uselessly) called Arts and Graphics. Our first assignment in that subject was to sketch a building on the spot and to point out various principles and elements of design in it. Well, i couldn't spot out the principles and elements of design properly, but one thing that i did good was to sketch the building. The building that i sketched was in Lajpat Nagar. Its right next to the Haldirams restaurant.
I liked the final outcome of the assignment 3 years back. Today when i look at it, i can clearly point our mistakes. Well, thats not important either. What is important is the sketches i made on the site. These sketches have now been added in my portfolio. Don't go by the presentation please. They are on site sketches.

P.S: This blog really works. In the past 4 days, Ive attempted sketching thrice, out of which one attempt was decent. It will be posted soon.